
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Prayer at Parliament

Last Thursday I had lunch with a friend of mine, Gordon Copeland, who was a Member of Parliament for a couple of three year terms. He invited me to a prayer meeting that evening in the Grand Hall in Parliament Buildings.

With the help Gordon and his wife Anne, I  worked my way through the security checks and into the Grand Hall where about 130 people were gathering. There were old faces from the time of  the Charismatic Movements Conventions about  35 years ago and of course lots of new faces. The Honourable Chester Burrows welcomed us on behalf of the 4 Members of Parliament who were present.

Our prayer was focused on political party leaders and cabinet ministers, then on the other MPs and staff  right through to the cleaners and caterers. The final session of  prayer was focused on the particular issue of child abuse in New Zealand.

I learnt more about the people in parliament and the issues they are dealing with. Also I was reminded of  our responsibility to pray for our political leaders. This can best be explained in the words of Rasik Ranchord, the Convenor:

About Prayer at Parliament

Rasik RanchordOver many years of ministry I have observed that churches pray for various issues e.g. for the flock, the sick, the needy, for their ministry programmes and mission yet prayer for those in authority in other sectors of society was largely neglected. We have not taught our people to pray for those in authority adequately.
Why Pray for Our Leaders?I was drawn to two passages of scripture. Firstly Romans 13 which instructs us that all powers that be, derive their authority from God who is the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe; that human authorities were therefore God’s agents for the promotion of the common good and the preservation of law and order.
From 1 Timothy 2 we learn that in Apostle Paul’s agenda for prayer, praying for those in authority heads the list. We are to pray for "kings and all in authority". The late Derek Prince’s observation confirmed my own: "Extensive experience has convinced me that the vast majority of professing Christians never give any serious consideration to the topic of prayer. Not merely do they not pray for the government, first, they scarcely pray for it at all! They pray more or less regularly for groups such as the sick, the preacher, missionaries, evangelists,....... anything and everything but the one group that God puts first, the government. It is no exaggeration to say that many who claim to be committed Christians never pray seriously for the government or their nation as much as once a week."
It was out of these observations and convictions that the vision for Prayer@Parliament was born some 8 years ago.Our policy is not to endorse any one political party but to pray for kingdom influence in every party. To pray for Christians and also for those who are followers of other faiths or no faith at all because of the function they perform in Parliament. The function itself is ordained by God. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans and to Timothy there were no Christians in Government! 

It is a Christian Prayer Gathering that is open to all. Over the years many members of Parliament from across the political spectrum have attended and many have been invited to participate. This includes Ministers of the Crown, former Speakers of the House and present assistant Speaker.. Besides people in central government we also pray for those in local government, Mayors and former mayors and councillors have participated. "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city. Pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers You too will prosper" (Jeremiah 29:7)

We also pray for those involved in various sectors of society besides government; Education, Social Welfare, Youth, Public Health, News Media. Many from these backgrounds have participated.
Christians from all denominations and from the whole of the Wellington Region and beyond attend these gatherings. Prayer is a uniting factor and where there is unity there God gives his blessings. Prayer is a Declaration of Dependence-upon God. Our nation needs God.

Rasik Ranchord

1 comment:

  1. Hi Neal,

    Can you contact me as you still have a "pending" activation on the prayer at parliament website. I think our emails are getting caught up in your junkmail filters. If you need any assistance you can email me your phone number from either of the following websites: or

