
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Being Too Nice ?


This year the New Zealand Government voted in legislation for Abortion up to birth along with other life and freedom destroying laws. There is more in the pipeline. At the March for Life procession last Saturday (5 December 2020) some Pro-Lifers brought along gruesome posters depicting aborted foetuses. Definitely not the thing for a “family-friendly” event.

One of these pro-lifers told me that being too nice hasn't worked and that we need to show pro-abortionists the consequences of their decisions. He went on to say that generally we have been too soft and that there is a growing movement of people who will do what it takes to turn things around.

Though I went along with his thinking, my rejoinder was that we need self-discipline and the wisdom to know the time and place for the in-your-face approach. 

Jesus certainly came to bring fire to the earth: he got immersed  in the pressure and he caused divisions even in families. (See Luke 12:49-53)   Perhaps it is time for a discussion for some of us to take the tough approach.
What do you think?


  1. I understand the frustration that leads to a view that 'being too nice hasn't worked' .... problem is that being aggressive in response as a modus operandi could be self-defeating. It could play right into the hands of those political powers who wish to limit freedom of speech (very easy to imagine 'hate speech' charges), and to impose 'safe zones'. If the use of graphic images (which most certainly do have a time and a place) is accompanied by emotive haranguing and even vehement swearing in public, that in my view diminishes the power of the imagery. Let the images do the talking; shut up, point and pray - that would be far more powerful / thought provoking for those viewing the images.
    And I agree that the family friendly environment of the March for Life was not the right time and place because of the near impossibility of shielding young children from seeing them.

  2. So family friendly,doesn’t include the unborn? Arnt they what MFL is all about ?
    Yes these signs are Horrific just imagine what it’s like for the baby!

  3. I agree Neal. Time and place and prompting from the Holy Spirit is everything.

  4. Thanks for the comments both on this blog and elsewhere. You will be pleased to know that leader of the offending group and I have picked up the discussion personally. Neal

  5. I went ahead letting people in the public crowd watching that there may be some images coming up that they might like their children to see, including the satanist display.Even people that may be pro life may ask that the images of aborted babies are not allowed to be displayed in public in this manner.I understand the thought behind them and there may well be a time for them to be displayed. In holding them up to the people protesting us, it occurs to me that when, for example, one woman I spoke with had been raped and had an abortion, what then is the impact and is this what we want to reflect to the wounded? Also bear in mind, the satanists want to shut us down and since abortion is now not illegal, it places us in greater jeopardy. The enemy wants to taunt and ridicule so we resort to anger. We need to consistently use God's weapons of love, peace etc. Police presence needs to be mandatory at marches, I think. The satanists did not have permission to march at all for example and we did not have the authority to prevent them from taking part or anything else. It would also stop false allegations being made. Good to hear there is dialogue happening Neal.

  6. Sorry that is mean to be NOT like their children to see.
