
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The devil said, ‘I will give you all these (kingdoms of the world), if you fall at my feet and worship me.’ Then Jesus replied, ‘ Away with you, Satan! For scripture says: The Lord your God is the one you must worship, him alone you must serve.’ Then the devil left him, and suddenly angels appeared and looked after him. (Mt 4:9-11)
What are we fighting?
How do we win?

Our group was a little confused by the photograph to start off will. Some thought that the boxer delivering the knockout punch represented Satan because of the tattoo on his arm. Looking back at the Gospel text, in which Jesus delivered the winning punch, it became clear who represented who in the photo.

It was quickly noted, in our discussion that "Satan is very bold" with his testing of Jesus. And he is very bold with his influence on Western Society.

When we looked at 'What are we fighting?' we said that Satan is behind such things as freemasonry, the New Age Movement, radical feminist politics and the emasculating of the Church. The discussion moved to the influences behind international economics and politics, since Satan claims that kingdoms are his to give to those who worship him. This influence can be seen in the architecture of the Israeli Supreme Court.

Like Jesus, the way we knock him out is by worshipping God and not swerving from God's service.

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