
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Helpful Images

Recently I heard a school teacher talking about the religious education of Children.
Following the Montessori method, that puts a lot of learning options before children, some religious educators have found that children are drawn to the image of the Good Shepherd.

Younger children find the idea of the Good Shepherd knowing and loving his sheep helpful; older children look more to the Shepherd laying down his life for his sheep.

I have since put this question to Adults: "What image of Jesus do you find most helpful?"

We may find that image in:
· the gospel narrative, e.g., the agony in the garden and his treatment of women
· Jesus’ sayings, e.g., “follow me” and "Amen,Amen",
· his titles, such as, “Son of God” or “teacher”
· his symbols, e.g., the crown of thorns and the breaking of bread,
· his parables like “the good Samaritan” and "the sower of seed".
· his actions like healing the sick and dining with sinners.

It would be interesting to learn your answer.